
Random Thought

Recently I have found myself slightly addicted to Refinery 29. There are tons of stories, videos, and slide shows on a number of topics and it always reads like a letter from your BFF. Today I came across an article on 17 of the best dive bars in LA and something inside of me sparked! I love dive bars.... why not open my own? I pick the location, the drinks, the music and even have a way to get my home cooking into the mouths of the masses. What could be better?

Now obviously there would still be a lot of work involved as with any business... and this isn't something I could put into action right away, mostly because of financial reasons but I can dream a little, right? For now I will add this dream to my long list of things that need to happen in the future and instead I will work on getting an apartment large enough to have a few people over for drinks served from my yet-to-be-acquired vintage-style mini bar.

(The super cute bar cart below and many other treasures can be found at Society Social!)

Something like this would be lovely...