
A Quick Pick-Me-Up

So this morning I was not ready to get out of bed. I had already snoozed too many times so I had to make a choice. I wanted so badly to just roll over and go back to sleep but my better judgment came through just in time. Luckily, the lovely Vaughn was awake to make me a quick iced latte. It’s pretty nice having your own personal barista to wake you up on those not-so-good mornings.

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good on my drive to work today. The combination of fresh caffeine, a yummy Breakfast Burrito-To-Go, and some cloudy weather (my personal favorite) was a great way to start the morning.
My first latte from our thrifted espresso machine. Best $15 ever.

Breakfast Burrito-To-Go

-1 tortilla of your choice
-1 egg or approx. ¼ cup of egg whites
-1 roll of Gimme Lean Sausage (split into 6 equal servings)
-A small handful (or slice) of whatever cheese you prefer (I like feta)
-A small handful of baby spinach
-1 tbsp of salsa (optional)

Step 1. Cut the roll of Gimme Lean into 6 equal pieces and then cut those into smaller bite-size chunks. Add a small amount of olive oil or cooking spray to a pan and heat to medium-high, then add the Gimme Lean chunks. Cook for about 10 minutes until lightly browned and heated through.

Step 2. In a smaller pan, cook your egg or egg whites however you like. I use a mini egg pan to make a perfect sized egg patty.

Step 3. When your egg is about done, wrap a tortilla in a moist paper towel and heat it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. This will make it nice and soft and less likely to tear when rolling your burrito.

Step 4. Place your cheese in the middle of the tortilla then top with the egg. Add the cooked Gimme Lean sausage, spinach, and salsa if you choose. Roll the tortilla around your ingredients to form the burrito. I prefer to fold one side over, then tuck in both ends and continue rolling. Having both ends closed helps for travel-ready burritos which is how I usually have them.

Step 5. ENJOY!!

This morning's "Breakfast Burrito-To-Go" in action!


It starts...

I’ve always known that my life would eventually take me towards more creative pursuits but the desire has become much bigger in recent months. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the absolute lack of inspiration coming out of my current work environment and, for that matter, my current LIFE environment. The desire to move forward is definitely there but sometimes it seems that the inspiration is just sucked out of me. There is one person who is there to give me advice and constantly supports my endeavors. He said that if I can get the things I want to accomplish out of my head and onto a piece of paper, I can make them a reality. So here I am, writing out the things that I want to do with my life, in no particular order.

First, I would love more than anything to move to the city. Which city? Any city. Well not any city but basically I would love to be in a place where there is more going on, a place where I can surround myself with people and places and things that will feed my creativity. I want a tiny apartment where I can cook dinner at whatever time I want, and come and go as I please without having to answer a list of questions in the process. I want to be independent.

Next, I want to meet new people. I want to have a group of peers that actually share some of my interests and can help to inspire me and push me and even collaborate with me. I want to have people in my life that will just come over to my tiny apartment because they actually want to spend time with me and enjoy my meatless masterpieces. I want them to want to go to a stupid little bar with me for a beer after a hard day or a not so hard day.

Most importantly, something I don’t say out loud very often. Come to think of it, I haven’t vocalized very many of my hopes for the future… But something that is very prevalent in my thoughts is the idea of starting my own business. More than anything in the world, I would love to be able to support myself with my projects. Just knowing that someone else would find enjoyment in something that I created would be amazing enough. But having enough people who love my creations that I could actually make a living doing what makes me happy seems sort of unreal. It sounds so cliché... maybe that’s why it’s taken me so long to actually say it but it’s true. Everyone wants to do what they love. Some people don’t take the chance to make it happen and I don’t want to be one of them.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur fermentum, metus ultrices cursus eleifend, tellus tellus feugiat mi, quis consequat felis est id ante. Quisque bibendum arcu ut lorem hendrerit ultricies. Donec tristique adipiscing urna nec ultrices. Praesent odio quam, luctus sed vulputate ut, posuere a est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at lectus enim. Duis euismod pellentesque ligula, ut lacinia ante vestibulum id. Fusce semper laoreet nisl, at eleifend sapien ultrices sed.
Curabitur pharetra nibh vitae mauris vestibulum adipiscing. In consequat urna nec dui imperdiet feugiat. Duis et risus sit amet nulla imperdiet posuere. Nunc ultrices condimentum lorem, non convallis ante porttitor eu. Mauris sit amet enim lectus, vel viverra elit. Nulla eu pharetra purus. Nulla aliquet semper elementum. Donec id volutpat velit. Sed tempor neque in turpis faucibus hendrerit. Duis pulvinar, massa ultricies molestie egestas, justo elit rutrum enim, id mollis nisl dolor at turpis. In imperdiet interdum sodales. Integer accumsan risus at mi mattis ullamcorper.
This is only a test.